
Customer Acquisition Cost Calculator​

Step 1: Input Your Marketing Spend Enter the total cost of your marketing efforts, including advertising, content creation, and any other associated expenses.

Step 2: Enter the Number of New Customers Acquired Input the total number of new customers acquired during the campaign or period.

Step 3: Calculate Your CAC Let our calculator do the heavy lifting! Instantly see your Customer Acquisition Cost and gain valuable insights into the efficiency of your marketing endeavors.

A Real-Life Example

Picture this: You’re at the helm of your e-commerce ship, navigating the vast seas of digital marketing. You invest in various channels, from social media ads to email campaigns, aiming to acquire new customers.

Scenario: Your e-commerce business allocates a budget of €10,000 for marketing efforts, resulting in the acquisition of 200 new customers.

Calculation: CAC = Total Marketing Spend / Number of New Customers Acquired CAC = €10,000 / 200 CAC = €50 per customer

Budget Optimization

Knowing your CAC helps you allocate your marketing budget more effectively. You can identify which channels bring in customers at a lower cost, optimizing your spending for maximum impact.

Revenue Predictability

By understanding how much it costs to acquire a customer, you can predict future revenue and make informed decisions about scaling your business.

Profitability Insights

CAC is a crucial factor in determining the profitability of your customer acquisition efforts. It’s not just about bringing in customers; it’s about doing so in a financially sustainable way.

What is a Good Customer Acquisition Cost?

Before we delve into the notion of “good,” let’s revisit what CAC represents. Customer Acquisition Cost is the metric that quantifies the total cost a business incurs to acquire a new customer. It encompasses various expenses, including marketing, advertising, and sales efforts, providing a comprehensive view of the investment required for customer acquisition.

What Constitutes a Good CAC?

The evaluation of what constitutes a good CAC is nuanced and context-dependent, varying across industries, business models, and stages of company growth. However, several key principles can guide your assessment:

Industry Benchmarks

Comparing your CAC to industry benchmarks is a fundamental step. Different industries have varying acquisition cost norms, and understanding where you stand in comparison allows you to gauge your competitiveness.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Alignment

A good CAC should align with the Customer Lifetime Value. If the cost of acquiring a customer is significantly lower than the potential revenue they bring over their lifetime as a customer, it indicates a healthy balance.


Consider the scalability of your customer acquisition efforts. A good CAC is one that allows for scalable and sustainable growth. If your acquisition costs are scalable with increasing customer acquisition, it contributes to the long-term success of your business.

Efficient Channel Allocation

Assess the efficiency of different marketing channels in acquiring customers. A good CAC is often associated with a strategic allocation of resources to channels that deliver cost-effective customer acquisition.

Profitability Metrics

Evaluate the impact of CAC on overall profitability. While a lower CAC is generally favorable, it’s crucial to ensure that it doesn’t compromise the profitability of your business. Striking a balance between cost and profit is key.

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