
How Many Leads Can I Generate?

How many leads you will be able to generate depends on the lead generation strategy you pick. Every strategy has its own challenges and limitations. Let’s take Lead Generation Ads for example. 

Lead Generation Ads

Your ability to generate leads using paid ads depends on many factors like quality of ads, channel, targeting, audiences and of course the landing page but for paid ads in particular, your budget defines the sealing. The amount you will be able to spend is defining your overall potential to generate leads. To put it simply, the budget is your lemon and everything else is just increasing or decreasing your ability to squeeze it.

Put into numbers:

Assuming you have a budget of 5.000 Euros to promote a lead-magnet-landing-page, you will create around 7.142 Sessions based on an average click price of 0.70 Euro. Now your landing-page will start converting visitors into leads. The rate in which you convert into leads is called Conversion-Rate. Let’s say you have a conversion rate of 4% (which is realistic). Your 7.142 Sessions will translate into 285 Leads averaging a 17 Euro cost per lead (CPL).

We could end the example here but let’s get a level deeper… If you know the average amount of leads your sales department needs to close a sale and the sales quota for the next fiscal year, you can basically calculate the needed budget to support their efforts most effectively.

Execution is the Game

This is of course just the theory, you still need to execute on the strategy and the only metric in this example that is fixed, is the budget. Every other metric is performance based and can vary depending on the quality of your setup (Campaign, Audience, Landing Page and Lead Magnet). It can go wrong hard… Imagine you are trying to squeeze a lemon by hand without cutting it in half… Yes, this level of bad.

Furthermore, every lead generation strategy has a different sealing. Paid has the budget and Passive Lead Generation for example has the monthly search volume (I explained more in the video).

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